Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Vaadin, Guice and Quartz


I can't believe it is so long since I posted to this blog.  I guess I must have been busy!

Those who have read previous posts will know that I have been working on a project called V7 to provide Vaadin, Guice and Shiro integration, with some I18N and navigation support thrown in.

Making Time(r)?

Quartz has become a popular scheduler for Java, and I wanted something to test my V7 design to ensure that I could integrate and add in a library without too much difficulty.

I have recently committed an implementation for this, so there now also an optional V7 library for Quartz, already integrated with Guice.


I do find some of the Quartz API a little strange, but despite that the integration seems to be fairly robust.  And to be fair, I guess Quartz is popular for a reason - it works!

One thing which I find strangely missing (and I know I am not alone) is the ability to define dependencies between jobs.  

But .. it works, and is now integrated with V7.